It is with pleasure that we inform you that from Tuesday 9 November the Ceresio 7 Crossfit Games will commence.
It will be structured as follows:
3 weeks of qualifying, followed by a final competition.
Each week there will be a qualifying wod, for a total of 3 wods.
The wod will be released on each Tuesday, and participants will have until the following Monday to finish it.
Example: if the first wod is be released on Tuesday 9/11, you will have the opportunity to send your best time with a video, until Monday 15/11 at 23.00, after which Tuesday 16/11 the second wod will be released and so on.
Important: the wod must be filmed with a phone or camera, and the contents must be sent by email to valentinogranata@ceresio7gym-spa.com or using wetransfer.com, if the file size is too large. In this case, simply upload the content to WeTransfer and the site will automatically create a link that you can send us via email.
Only the videos sent weekly by the communicated deadline will be taken into consideration.
Qualifying will end on Monday 29 November.
The wod will always be on the schedule during Crossfit classes on Tuesdays and Fridays.
The general classification will be given by the sum of the total scores of the 3 wods, where the one who scores the least points will qualify (for each wod the first will get 1 point, the second 2 points, the third 3 points etc.
Example: if a member finishes first in wod # 1, fifth in wod # 2 and tenth in wod # 3 his final score will be 1 + 5 + 10 = 16).
The first 10 classified in the men category and the first 5 classified in the women category will have access to the final.
The final competition will consist of 3 wods, and will have a maximum duration of 2 hours.
For further information, please contact Valentino Granata or Leonardo Migot directly. Alternatively, contact our reception at +39 0297162045 or write an email to info@ceresio7gym-spa.com.